eDon Fintech Limited was invited to participate in the '3 rd Macau-Hengqin Modern Finance Development Trend and Financial Technology Seminar'

We arehonoredto be invited to participate in the 3 rd Macau-Hengqin Modern Finance Development Trend and Financial Technology Seminar, co-organized by the Macao Productivity and Technology Transfer Center and the Macau Economic and Livelihood Alliance.
'Finance + Technology' is key to promoting the high-quality development of the modern financial industry. The innovation of fintech in the Greater Bay Area will undoubtedly lead the future development direction of the modern financial industry, bringing unique advantages and development opportunities to the region and promoting diversified economic development.
Mr. Tao Wong, Co-Founder of Edon Fintech Limited, shared insights on the importance of fintech in compliance and risk management, focusing on the theme 'Leading a New Era of Financial Compliance and Risk Management.' We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all attendees for their active participation and valuable questions and look forward to meeting you again in the near future to share the latest insights on fintech and compliance!